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Scientific Research Against Nature Materials True

matter_01All the information we have about the world in which we live conveyed to us through our senses. The world as we know, consists of what our eyes see, our hands touched, who kissed our noses, our tongues felt, and that our ears hear. It’s never occurred to us that the world “outside” it may be different from what is shown by our senses because we’ve always depended only on the senses from the moment we are born.

However, modern scientific research in various fields leads us to an understanding of an entirely different, so that raises big doubts on our senses and the world we know through these senses. The starting point of this understanding is the idea that whatever we perceive to be “outside world” was the response that was formed in our brain by electrical signals. Apple red color, strong nature of wood, mothers and fathers, your family, and everything you own-your house, your job, and even lines of this writing, only composed of electrical signals.

Contemporary technological developments have enabled humans to feel a real experience without the need for “outside world” or “material.” Huge advances in virtual reality technology [virtual reality] has produced some evidence that is particularly convincing.

Simply put, virtual reality [virtual reality] is the appearance of the images of three dimensional computer generated, that looks real with the help of certain equipment. This technology, which can be applied in various fields, known as “virtual reality” [virtual reality], “virtual world” [virtual reality], or “virtual environment” [virtual environment]. His most important characteristic is to use devices designed for specific purposes, this technology can make people who feel the virtual world is deceived and believes that going through is real. Since a few years ago, the word “immersive”[sink] has started to be used in front of the term” virtual reality “[virtual reality], which reflected the situation that they are witnessing a virtual reality really sunk in what they are experiencing.

The explanation of this virtual world system based on human senses. For example, when a user virtual world systems using special gloves, the device in the glove signals flow to the fingertips. When these signals transmitted to and interpreted by the brain, these users felt that he was touched silk or a vase filled with ornaments, complete with all the knick-knacks on the surface of such objects, although in reality not in the vicinity.

One of the most important application of virtual reality is in the medical field. University of Michigan has developed a technology to train physicians assistants, especially the employees in the emergency room, to practice their skills in a virtual reality laboratory. Here, the picture environment is created by generating a detailed specifics on the operating room floor, walls, and ceiling of a room. “Image” is accomplished by generating an operating table, complete with a patient to be operated on it, in the middle of the room. The prospective surgeons wear glasses their 3-dimension and started doing a “virtual” them. And anyone who saw the images reflected in the glasses 3-dimension can not distinguish between a real operating room with this virtual room.

matter_03Are We Living in the holographic world?

New Scientist is one of the most popular magazines. The main discussion March 27, 2002 edition of the magazine is written by scientists JR Minkel, entitled “Hollow Universe.” [Nature of the Universe Empty] “Why we all live in a hologram” [Why do we all live in a hologram], so the sound of the main title that magazine cover. In summary, the article states that we perceive the world as a light package. Therefore, it is misleading to consider the material as a real form which has absolute existence on the understanding that we get through the five senses. Minkel make a confession:

You are holding a magazine. [Magazine] it feels solid; have some kind of independent and separate existence in space. As with the objects around you, like a cup of coffee, a computer. They all seem real and out there somewhere. But all that is virtual appearances.

Minkel article states that scientists call sejumlalh this idea as a “theory of everything,” and that scientists consider this theory as the first step in explaining the real nature of the universe. This magazine article explains scientifically that we perceive the universe as a shadow or appearance in our brain and therefore we are not directly related to the matter itself.

The sense system disorders Restored with Artificial Signal

In the March 11, 2002 edition, Time magazine published an article entitled “The Body Electric” [Electricity Body], which reveal important scientific developments. The article reported, some scientists together with the computer chips of the patient’s nervous system to repair the damage remained in their senses.

With the new system they developed, researchers in the United States, Europe and Japan aims to provide a tool of vision in people with blindness and help the patient recover. They have achieved half the success with this new system with the transplanting of electrodes in areas related to the patient’s body, and the silicon chips used to connect artificial limbs with living tissue.

As a result of an accident, a patient named Brian Danish Holgersen paralyzed from the neck down. He can only do very limited movement in both shoulders, left arm and left hand. As we know, this kind of paralysis caused by spinal cord damage in the neck and back. The nerves were damaged or blocked, so the traffic stop nerves between brain and muscles, and decided that communication between the nerves that transmit signals that flow back and forth from the body to the brain. Of these patients, who will do is restore the damaged part of the spinal cord by transplantation special device, allowing the signals from the brain’s ability to restore some movement in his arms and legs.

They use a system designed to restore the basic motion of the left hand, like holding, holding, and releasing objects. In an operation, eight-electrode coin-sized elastic put into the muscles that play a role in the movement, namely in the left upper arm, forearm and shoulder patients. Then, very fine wires to connect these electrodes to a stimulator [stimulus generating device]-a kind of pacemaker [power tools and the emergence of stimulus control] for the nervous system, which is planted in his chest. Stimulus generator tool is then connected with a position-sensing device is affixed on the right shoulder-Holgersen where he was able to control the motion to a certain extent.

Now, when the patient wants to take a glass, he moves onto his right shoulder. This movement sends an electrical signal from the position-sensing device, mounted on the bottom of her dress, the stimulus generating device in his chest, which lallu strengthen and pass the signals to the muscles attached to the arm and hand. In response, the muscles are tensed, and his left hand was closed. When he was about to let go of the glass, he moved his right shoulder down, so that his left hand opening.

University of Louvain in Brussels use the same technology associated with vision. Stem cells and the cone of a patient’s damaged, causing the retina becomes sensitive to light. As a result, he became blind. An electrode is planted around the eyes to help get the nerves back some ability to see it.

In the case of this patient, the electrode is connected to a stimulus generator placed inside a cavity in the skull. A video camera, mounted on a hat, continued acceptance of the image to the stimulus generating device in the form of radio signals, without passing through the rod cells and cone damaged, and sends electrical signals directly to the optic nerve. Visual cortex of the brain recollect these signals to form an image. What patients experience can be likened to seeing a small mock billboards in sports arenas. Nevertheless the quality obtained is sufficient to prove that this system can be applied.

This system is called “Microsystem-based visual prosthesis” [Organ System Based on Artificial Sight Micro], a device planted permanently in the patient’s head. But to make it all working, the patient should go to a specially designed room at the University of Louvain and wear something resembling a bathing cap is damaged. Bathing cap is made of plastic with a regular video camera mounted on the front. The larger pixels are used to form an image on the screen, the greater the amount of electrical stimulation; therefore, the better quality picture resolution.

The same article refers to an interesting performance by a performing artist who use similar technology:

In a performance in 1998, Stelarc connect himself with the cable directly to the Internet. His body was connected to the ends of the electrodes, the tip of the shoulder muscles, biceps, muscle activator joints, tendons behind the knee and calf muscles, which sends a weak electrical pulse, just enough to trigger the muscles tighten on their own. Electrodes are connected to a computer, which then connected via the Internet with computers in Paris, Helsinki and Amsterdam. By pressing various parts of the human body fake pictures on the touch screen, the participants in the three places can make Stelarc do whatever they want.

This technology, if the size can be reduced so that it can be placed in the body, will pave the way for overall development in the field of medicine. This development shows one other important fact: The world outside is a copy of that picture we saw in our brain …

Time published the article shows practical examples of how we can create the experience of seeing or touching something with artificial stimuli. The most obvious evidence is that blind people can see. Although the patient’s eye is not working, he can see through the artificial signals are generated.

Can Maya World of Film Embed on a number of the Real World?

In an article titled “Life is a sim and then you’re deleted” [Life is a copy and then you deleted] who published edition of New Scientist magazine July 27, 2002, Michael Brooks stated that we may live in a virtual world not unlike with that in the movie Matrix: “There is no need to wait for Matrix 2. You might be already in a giant computer simulation … Of course you think that the movie The Matrix is a fantasy. But that’s only because you are made to feel that way .. ”

The authors, Brooks, supports his view with menukil philosopher Nick Bostrom of Yale University, who believed that Hollywood movies are much closer to reality than what we realize. He also made the calculation that there is a chance the possibility that we are living in an artificial or virtual world as shown by several films.

Scientific fact, a well understood far in recent years, shows that we are not directly related to or overlap with material form itself. This has led people to think more deeply. These developments, which are often the inspiration for a number of films, shows that the virtual environment to create a copy of the fact that so real that people can be fooled by pictures or images that are not real.

Materialism, as Wrong Music Philosophy, Past Collapse

Philosophy of materialism has existed throughout history. The adherents based on material existence considered absolute, while denying the existence of God, Who created them from nothing and also for those creating the universe that they inhabit. However, clear evidence is no longer leaves room for debate. Thus, they make the material basis of life, thoughts, pride and their denial, have vanished. Strangely, through their own research, materialist scientists discovered that everything they see is not the material itself, but a copy or an image formed in the brain. And thus, they themselves had broken their materialist beliefs.

Twentieth century was a turning point in history, where the real truth will be spread across the human, and materialism will be erased from the face of the earth. Some people, under the influence of materialist philosophy, which believes that matter is absolute, have now realized that they themselves are being virtual, the only absolute being is God, the existence of his covers everything. This fact is stated in one of the verses of the Qur’an:

Allah bears witness that there is no God (that exists) but He, the upholding of justice. The Angels and the people who have knowledge (as well as such states). There is no God (that exists) but Him, the Almighty, the Wise. (Surah Aali ‘Imraan, 3:18

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